Source code for numdifftools.tests.test_numdifftools

"""Test functions for numdifftools module"""
from __future__ import print_function

from hypothesis import given, example, note, settings, strategies as st
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose  # @UnresolvedImport
import pytest

import numdifftools.core as nd
import numdifftools.nd_statsmodels as nds
from numdifftools.step_generators import default_scale
from numdifftools.testing import rosen
from numdifftools.tests.hamiltonian import run_hamiltonian
import numpy as np

[docs]class TestRichardson(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def test_central_forward_backward(): central = {(1, 1): [-0.33333333, 1.33333333], (1, 2): [-0.33333333, 1.33333333], (1, 3): [-0.33333333, 1.33333333], (1, 4): [-0.06666667, 1.06666667], (1, 5): [-0.06666667, 1.06666667], (1, 6): [-0.01587302, 1.01587302], (2, 1): [0.02222222, -0.44444444, 1.42222222], (2, 2): [0.02222222, -0.44444444, 1.42222222], (2, 3): [0.02222222, -0.44444444, 1.42222222], (2, 4): [1.05820106e-03, -8.46560847e-02, 1.08359788e+00], (2, 5): [1.05820106e-03, -8.46560847e-02, 1.08359788e+00], (2, 6): [6.22471211e-05, -1.99190787e-02, 1.01985683e+00]} forward = {(1, 1): [-1., 2.], (1, 2): [-0.33333333, 1.33333333], (1, 3): [-0.14285714, 1.14285714], (1, 4): [-0.06666667, 1.06666667], (1, 5): [-0.03225806, 1.03225806], (1, 6): [-0.01587302, 1.01587302], (2, 1): [0.33333333, -2., 2.66666667], (2, 2): [0.04761905, -0.57142857, 1.52380952], (2, 3): [0.00952381, -0.22857143, 1.21904762], (2, 4): [0.00215054, -0.10322581, 1.10107527], (2, 5): [5.12032770e-04, -4.91551459e-02, 1.04864311e+00], (2, 6): [1.24984377e-04, -2.39970004e-02, 1.02387202e+00]} true_vals = {'central': central, 'forward': forward, 'backward': forward} for method in true_vals: truth = true_vals[method] for num_terms in [1, 2]: for order in range(1, 7): d = nd.Derivative(np.exp, method=method, order=order) d.set_richardson_rule(step_ratio=2.0, num_terms=num_terms) rule = d.richardson.rule() assert_allclose(rule, truth[(num_terms, order)], atol=1e-8)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_complex(): truth = { (1, 2, 8): [9.576480164718605e-07, -0.004167684167715291, 1.004166726519699], (4, 2, 2): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (1, 2, 4): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (4, 1, 8): [-0.0039215686274510775, 1.0039215686274505], (2, 2, 4): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (4, 2, 8): [9.576480164718605e-07, -0.004167684167715291, 1.004166726519699], (3, 1, 8): [-0.0039215686274510775, 1.0039215686274505], (4, 1, 2): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (3, 1, 6): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (1, 1, 8): [-0.0039215686274510775, 1.0039215686274505], (2, 1, 8): [-0.0039215686274510775, 1.0039215686274505], (4, 1, 4): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (3, 1, 4): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (2, 1, 4): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (3, 2, 2): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (2, 2, 8): [9.576480164718605e-07, -0.004167684167715291, 1.004166726519699], (2, 1, 6): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (3, 1, 2): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (4, 1, 6): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (1, 1, 6): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (1, 2, 2): [0.022222222222222185, -0.444444444444444, 1.4222222222222216], (3, 2, 6): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (1, 1, 4): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (2, 1, 2): [-0.06666666666666654, 1.0666666666666664], (4, 2, 4): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (3, 2, 4): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (2, 2, 2): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (1, 2, 6): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (4, 2, 6): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616], (1, 1, 2): [-0.33333333333333304, 1.333333333333333], (3, 2, 8): [9.576480164718605e-07, -0.004167684167715291, 1.004166726519699], (2, 2, 6): [0.0002614379084968331, -0.07111111111111235, 1.070849673202616]} for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]: for num_terms in [1, 2]: for order in range(2, 9, 2): d = nd.Derivative(np.exp, n=n, method='complex', order=order) d.set_richardson_rule(step_ratio=2.0, num_terms=num_terms) rule = d.richardson.rule() msg = "n={0}, num_terms={1}, order={2}".format(n, num_terms, order) assert_allclose(rule, truth[(n, num_terms, order)], err_msg=msg)
[docs]class TestDerivative(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def test_directional_diff(): v = [1, -1] x0 = [2, 3] directional_diff = nd.directionaldiff(rosen, x0, v) assert_allclose(directional_diff, 743.87633380824832)
[docs] def test_infinite_functions(self): def finf(x): return np.inf * np.ones_like(x) df = nd.Derivative(finf) val = df(0) assert np.isnan(val) df.n = 0 assert df(0) == np.inf
[docs] @staticmethod def test_high_order_derivative_cos(): true_vals = (0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0) methods = ['complex', 'multicomplex', 'central', 'forward', 'backward'] for method in methods: n_max = dict(multicomplex=2, central=6).get(method, 5) for n in range(0, n_max + 1): true_val = true_vals[n] for order in range(2, 9, 2): d3cos = nd.Derivative(np.cos, n=n, order=order, method=method, full_output=True) y, _info = d3cos(np.pi / 2.0) # _error = np.abs(y - true_val) # small = error <= info.error_estimate # if not small: # small = error < 10**(-12 + n) # if not small: # print('method=%s, n=%d, order=%d' % (method, n, order)) # print(error, info.error_estimate) # self.assertTrue(small) assert_allclose(y, true_val, atol=1e-4)
# self.assert_(False)
[docs] @staticmethod @settings(deadline=500.0) @given(st.floats(min_value=0, max_value=10)) @example(7.6564547238847105) @example(8.9428143931508) @example(2.2204460492503134e-14) def test_derivative_of_cos_x(x): note('x = {}'.format(x)) msg = 'order = {}, error = {}, err_est = {}' true_vals = (-np.sin(x), -np.cos(x), np.sin(x), np.cos(x)) * 2 for method in ['complex', 'central', 'forward', 'backward']: note('method = {}'.format(method)) n_max = dict(complex=7, central=6).get(method, 4) for n in range(1, n_max + 1): true_val = true_vals[n - 1] start, stop, step = dict(central=(2, 7, 2), complex=(2, 3, 1)).get(method, (1, 5, 1)) note('n = {}, true_val = {}'.format(n, true_val)) for order in range(start, stop, step): d3cos = nd.Derivative(np.cos, n=n, order=order, method=method, full_output=True) y, _info = d3cos(x) _error = np.abs(y - true_val) aerr = 100 * _info.error_estimate + 1e-14 # if aerr < 1e-14 and np.abs(true_val) < 1e-3: # aerr = 1e-8 note(msg.format(order, _error, _info.error_estimate)) assert_allclose(y, true_val, rtol=1e-6, atol=aerr)
# assert_allclose(y, true_val, rtol=4)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_default_scale(): for method, scale in zip(['complex', 'central', 'forward', 'backward', 'multicomplex'], [1.06, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.06]): assert_allclose(scale, default_scale(method, n=1))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_fun_with_additional_parameters(): """Test for issue #9""" def func(x, a, b=1): return b * a * x * x * x methods = ['forward', 'backward', 'central', 'complex', 'multicomplex'] dfuns = [nd.Gradient, nd.Derivative, nd.Jacobian, nd.Hessdiag, nd.Hessian] truths = {nd.Hessdiag: 12, nd.Hessian: 12} for dfun in dfuns: for method in methods: df = dfun(func, method=method) val = df(0.0, 1.0, b=2) assert_allclose(val, 0, atol=1e-13) val = df(1.0, 1.0, b=2) truth = truths.get(dfun, 6) assert_allclose(val, truth)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_derivative_with_step_options(): def func(x, a, b=1): return b * a * x * x * x methods = ['forward', 'backward', 'central', 'complex', 'multicomplex'] dfuns = [nd.Gradient, nd.Derivative, nd.Jacobian, nd.Hessdiag, nd.Hessian] step_options = dict(num_extrap=5) for dfun in dfuns: for method in methods: df = dfun(func, method=method, **step_options) val = df(0.0, 1.0, b=2) assert_allclose(val, 0, atol=1e-13)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_derivative_cube(): """Test for Issue 7""" def cube(x): return x * x * x dcube = nd.Derivative(cube) shape = (3, 2) x = np.ones(shape) * 2 dx = dcube(x) assert_allclose(list(dx.shape), list(shape), err_msg='Shape mismatch') txt = 'First differing element %d\n value = %g,\n true value = %g' for i, (val, tval) in enumerate(zip(dx.ravel(), (3 * x ** 2).ravel())): assert_allclose(val, tval, rtol=1e-8, err_msg=txt % (i, val, tval))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_derivative_exp(): # derivative of exp(x), at x == 0 dexp = nd.Derivative(np.exp) assert_allclose(dexp(0), np.exp(0), rtol=1e-8)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_derivative_sin(): # Evaluate the indicated (default = first) # derivative at multiple points dsin = nd.Derivative(np.sin) x = np.linspace(0, 2. * np.pi, 13) y = dsin(x) assert_allclose(y, np.cos(x), atol=1e-8)
[docs] def test_backward_derivative_on_sinh(self): # Compute the derivative of a function using a backward difference # scheme. A backward scheme will only look below x0. dsinh = nd.Derivative(np.sinh, method='backward') assert_allclose(dsinh(0.0), np.cosh(0.0))
[docs] def test_central_and_forward_derivative_on_log(self): # Although a central rule may put some samples in the wrong places, it # may still succeed epsilon = nd.MinStepGenerator(num_steps=15, offset=0, step_ratio=2) dlog = nd.Derivative(np.log, method='central', step=epsilon) x = 0.001 assert_allclose(dlog(x), 1.0 / x) # But forcing the use of a one-sided rule may be smart anyway dlog = nd.Derivative(np.log, method='forward', step=epsilon) assert_allclose(dlog(x), 1 / x)
[docs]class TestJacobian(object):
[docs] @staticmethod @given(st.floats(min_value=-1000, max_value=1000)) def test_scalar_to_vector(val): def fun(x): return np.array([x, x ** 2, x ** 3]).ravel() truth = np.array([[1.], [2 * val], [3 * val ** 2]]) for method in ['multicomplex', 'complex', 'central', 'forward', 'backward']: j0, info = nd.Jacobian(fun, method=method, full_output=True)(val) if method != "multicomplex": j00 = nds.Jacobian(fun, method=method)(val) error = np.abs(j00 - truth) note('statsmodel: method={}, error={}'.format(method, error)) assert_allclose(j00, truth, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6) error = np.abs(j0 - truth) note('method={}, error={}, error_est={}'.format(method, error, info.error_estimate)) assert_allclose(j0, truth, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_on_scalar_function(): def fun(x): return x[0] * x[1] * x[2] + np.exp(x[0]) * x[1] for method in ['complex', 'central', 'forward', 'backward']: j_fun = nd.Jacobian(fun, method=method) x = j_fun([3., 5., 7.]) assert_allclose(x, [[135.42768462, 41.08553692, 15.]])
[docs] @staticmethod def test_on_vector_valued_function(): xdata = np.arange(0, 1, 0.1) # .reshape((-1, 1)) ydata = 1 + 2 * np.exp(0.75 * xdata) def fun(c): return (c[0] + c[1] * np.exp(c[2] * xdata) - ydata) ** 2 # _j_0 = nds.approx_fprime([1, 2, 0.75], fun) for method in ['complex', 'central', 'forward', 'backward']: for order in [2, 4]: j_fun = nd.Jacobian(fun, method=method, order=order) j_val = j_fun([1, 2, 0.75]) # should be numerically zero assert_allclose(j_val, np.zeros((ydata.size, 3)), atol=1e-12)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_on_matrix_valued_function(): def fun(x): x = np.atleast_1d(x) f0 = x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2 f1 = x[0] ** 3 + x[1] ** 3 return np.array([f0, f1]) def dfun(x): x = np.atleast_1d(x) f0_d0 = np.atleast_1d(x[0] * 2) f0_d1 = np.atleast_1d(x[1] * 2) f1_d0 = np.atleast_1d(3 * x[0] ** 2) f1_d1 = np.atleast_1d(3 * x[1] ** 2) # algopy way: # df0 = np.hstack([np.diag(f0_d0), np.diag(f0_d1)]) # df1 = np.hstack([np.diag(f1_d0), np.diag(f1_d1)]) # numdifftools way: df0 = np.vstack([f0_d0, f0_d1]) df1 = np.vstack([f1_d0, f1_d1]) return np.array([df0, df1]).squeeze() jaca = nd.Jacobian(fun) assert_allclose(jaca([1, 2]), [[2., 4.], [3., 12.]]) assert_allclose(jaca([3, 4]), [[6., 8.], [27., 48.]]) assert_allclose(jaca([1, 2]), dfun([1, 2])) assert_allclose(jaca([3, 4]), dfun([3, 4])) v0 = jaca([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) print(v0) assert_allclose(v0, dfun([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) x = np.array([(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)], dtype=float) y = fun(x) assert_allclose(y, [[26., 40., 58., 80.], [126., 224., 370., 576.]]) tval = dfun(x) assert_allclose(tval, [[[2., 4., 6., 8.], [10., 12., 14., 16.]], [[3., 12., 27., 48.], [75., 108., 147., 192.]]]) v0 = nds.approx_fprime(x, fun) val = jaca(x) assert_allclose(val, tval) assert_allclose(v0, tval)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_issue_25(): def g_fun(x): out = np.zeros((2, 2)) out[0] = x out[1] = x return out dg_dx = nd.Jacobian(g_fun) x = np.array([1., 2.]) v0 = nds.approx_fprime(x, g_fun) assert_allclose(v0, [[[1., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]]) dg = dg_dx(x) assert_allclose(dg, [[[1., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]]) def fun3(x): return np.vstack((x[0] * x[1] * x[2] ** 2, x[0] * x[1] * x[2])) jfun3 = nd.Jacobian(fun3) x = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]).T tv = [[[18., 180.], [9., 144.], [12., 240.]], [[6., 30.], [3., 24.], [2., 20.]]] assert_allclose(jfun3(x), tv) assert_allclose(nds.approx_fprime(x, fun3), tv)
[docs] @staticmethod @pytest.mark.slow def test_issue_27a(): """Test for memory-error""" n = 500 x = np.ones(n) for method in ['complex', 'central', 'forward', 'backward']: assert_allclose(nd.Jacobian(lambda x: x ** 2, method=method)(x), 2 * np.diag(np.ones(n)))
[docs] @staticmethod @pytest.mark.slow def test_issue_27b(): """Test for memory-error""" n = 1000 x = np.ones(n) assert_allclose(nd.Jacobian(lambda x: x ** 2, method='complex')(x), 2 * np.diag(np.ones(n)))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_jacobian_fulloutput(): """test """ res, info = nd.Jacobian(lambda x, y: x + y, full_output=True)(1, 3) assert_allclose(res, 1) assert info.error_estimate < 1e-13 assert info.final_step == 0.015625 assert info.index == 5 assert info.f_value == 4
[docs]class TestGradient(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def test_issue_39(): """ Test that checks float/Bicomplex works """ fun = nd.Gradient(lambda x: 1.0/(np.exp(x[0]) + np.cos(x[1]) + 10), method="multicomplex") assert_allclose(fun([1.0, 2.0]), [-0.017961123762187736, 0.0060082083648822])
[docs] @staticmethod def test_directional_diff(): v = np.r_[1, -1] v = v / np.linalg.norm(v) x0 = [2, 3] directional_diff =, v) assert_allclose(directional_diff, 743.87633380824832) dd, _info = nd.directionaldiff(rosen, x0, v, full_output=True) assert_allclose(dd, 743.87633380824832)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_gradient_fulloutput(): """Fix issue#52: Gradient tries to apply squeeze to the output tuple containing both the result and the full_output object. """ res, info = nd.Gradient(lambda x, y: x + y, full_output=True)(1, 3) assert_allclose(res, 1) assert info.error_estimate < 1e-13 assert info.final_step == 0.015625 assert info.index == 5 assert info.f_value == 4
[docs] @staticmethod def test_gradient(): def fun(x): return np.sum(x ** 2) dtrue = [2., 4., 6.] for method in ['multicomplex', 'complex', 'central', 'backward', 'forward']: for order in [2, 4]: dfun = nd.Gradient(fun, method=method, order=order) d = dfun([1, 2, 3]) assert_allclose(d, dtrue)
[docs]class TestHessdiag(object): @staticmethod def _fun(x): return x[0] + x[1] ** 2 + x[2] ** 3 @staticmethod def _hfun(x): return 0, 2, 6 * x[2]
[docs] def test_complex(self): htrue = np.array([0., 2., 18.]) method = 'complex' for num_steps in range(3, 7, 1): steps = nd.MinStepGenerator(num_steps=num_steps, use_exact_steps=True, step_ratio=2.0, offset=4) h_fun = nd.Hessdiag(self._fun, step=steps, method=method, full_output=True) h_val, _info = h_fun([1, 2, 3]) assert_allclose(h_val, htrue) assert _info.f_value == 32 # fun([1, 2, 3]) == 1+4+27
[docs] @settings(deadline=500.0) @given(st.tuples(st.floats(-100, 100), st.floats(-100, 100), st.floats(-100, 100))) @example((0.0, 16.003907623933742, 68.02057249966789)) @example([1, 2, 3]) @example((1.2009289063e-314, 1.2009289063e-314, 1.2009289063e-314)) @example((88.01663712016305, 88.01663712016305, 88.01663712016305)) @example((0.0, 19.945812226807096, 54.11322414875562)) def test_fixed_step(self, vals): htrue = self._hfun(vals) methods = ['central2', 'central', 'multicomplex', 'complex', 'forward', 'backward'] for order in range(2, 7, 2): steps = nd.MinStepGenerator(num_steps=order + 1, use_exact_steps=True, step_ratio=3., offset=0) note('order = {}'.format(order)) for method in methods: h_fun = nd.Hessdiag(self._fun, step=steps, method=method, order=order, full_output=True) h_val, _info = h_fun(vals) _error = np.abs(h_val - htrue) note('error = {}, error_est = {}'.format(_error, _info.error_estimate)) assert_allclose(h_val, htrue, rtol=1e-5, atol=100 * max(_info.error_estimate))
[docs] def test_default_step(self): htrue = np.array([0., 2., 18.]) methods = ['central2', 'central', 'multicomplex', 'complex', 'forward', 'backward'] for order in range(2, 7, 2): for method in methods: h_fun = nd.Hessdiag(self._fun, method=method, order=order, full_output=True) h_val, _info = h_fun([1, 2, 3]) tol = min(1e-8, _info.error_estimate.max()) assert_allclose(h_val, htrue, atol=tol)
[docs]class TestHessian(object):
[docs] def test_run_hamiltonian(self): # Important to restrict the step in order to avoid the # discontinutiy at x=[0,0] of the hamiltonian for method in ['central', 'complex']: step = nd.MaxStepGenerator(base_step=1e-4) hessian = nd.Hessian(None, step=step, method=method) h, _error_estimate, true_h = run_hamiltonian(hessian, verbose=False) assert (np.abs((h - true_h) / true_h) < 1e-4).all()
[docs] def test_complex_hessian_issue_35(self): """ """ def foo(x): return 1j * np.inner(x, x) for method in ['multicomplex', 'complex', 'central', 'central2', 'forward', 'backward']: for offset in [0, 1j]: # testing real and complex argument print(method) x = np.random.randn(3) + offset hessn = nd.Hessian(foo, method=method) if method.endswith('complex'): with pytest.raises(ValueError): hessn(x) else: val = hessn(x) assert_allclose(val, [[2j, 0j, 0j], [0j, 2j, 0j], [0j, 0j, 2j]], atol=1e-11)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_hessian_cos_x_y_at_0_0(): # cos(x-y), at (0,0) def fun(xy): return np.cos(xy[0] - xy[1]) htrue = [[-1., 1.], [1., -1.]] methods = ['multicomplex', 'complex', 'central', 'central2', 'forward', 'backward'] for num_steps in [10, 1]: step = nd.MinStepGenerator(num_steps=num_steps) for method in methods: h_fun = nd.Hessian(fun, method=method, step=step, full_output=True) h_val, _info = h_fun([0, 0]) # print(method, (h_val-np.array(htrue))) assert_allclose(h_val, htrue) assert _info.f_value == 1