
class Residue(f, step=None, method='above', order=None, pole_order=1, full_output=False, **options)[source]

Compute residue of a function at a given point


function fun(z, *args, **kwds) to compute the Residue at z=z0. The function, fun, is assumed to return a result of the same shape and size as its input, z.

step: float, complex, array-like or StepGenerator object, optional

Defines the spacing used in the approximation. Default is CStepGenerator(base_step=step, **options)

method{‘above’, ‘below’}

defines if the limit is taken from above or below

order: positive scalar integer, optional.

defines the order of approximation used to find the specified limit. The order must be member of [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]. 4 is a good compromise.

pole_orderscalar integer

specifies the order of the pole at z0.

full_output: bool

If true return additional info.


options to pass on to CStepGenerator

res_fz: array like

estimated residue, i.e., limit of f(z)*(z-z0)**pole_order as z –> z0 When the residue is estimated as approximately zero,

the wrong order pole may have been specified.

info: namedtuple,

Only given if full_output is True and contains the following:

error estimate: ndarray

95 % uncertainty estimate around the residue, such that abs(res_fz - lim z->z0 f(z)*(z-z0)**pole_order) < error_estimate Large uncertainties here suggest that the wrong order pole was specified for f(z0).

final_step: ndarray

final step used in approximation


Residue computes the residue of a given function at a simple first order pole, or at a second order pole.

The methods used by residue are polynomial extrapolants, which also yield an error estimate. The user can specify the method order, as well as the order of the pole.

z0 - scalar point at which to compute the residue. z0 may be

real or complex.

See the document DERIVEST.pdf for more explanation of the algorithms behind the parameters of Residue. In most cases, the user should never need to specify anything other than possibly the PoleOrder.


A first order pole at z = 0

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from numdifftools.limits import Residue
>>> def f(z): return -1./(np.expm1(2*z))
>>> res_f, info = Residue(f, full_output=True)(0)
>>> np.allclose(res_f, -0.5)
>>> info.error_estimate < 1e-14

A second order pole around z = 0 and z = pi >>> def h(z): return 1.0/np.sin(z)**2 >>> res_h, info = Residue(h, full_output=True, pole_order=2)([0, np.pi]) >>> np.allclose(res_h, 1) True >>> (info.error_estimate < 1e-10).all() True

__init__(f, step=None, method='above', order=None, pole_order=1, full_output=False, **options)[source]


__init__(f[, step, method, order, ...])

limit(x, *args, **kwds)

Return lim f(z) as z-> x



The step spacing(s) used in the approximation